Game Changer: Chris Bailey

We’re all looking for ways to be more productive in life, so is "The Productivity Project" author Chris Bailey. In fact, he’s tried out nearly every tip, trick or tool out there – so you don’t have to.

Bailey shared some of the tactics he uses in the Game Changer session "Be More Awesome: A Fresh Approach to Productivity."

Productivity is not about getting more done faster. Instead, Bailey said it’s about doing things intentionally and with purpose. Bailey even offered a new definition of productivity: accomplishing what we intend to do. So whether that’s getting through your inbox or relaxing on the beach, you are productive if you successfully completed the goal that you’ve intended to accomplish during any given time.

Bailey said there are three tactics in particular that he uses to maximize his productivity.

1. Use the rule of three: Each day, week and so on, ask yourself (and write down) what three things you intend to accomplish in that day. This doesn’t necessarily include all the minutiae on your to-do list – those things still need to get done – but this helps you prioritize those tasks.

2. Beat procrastination: Think about what you’re putting off right now. There are a few ways to help retrain your brain to get that task done. Try imagining that you’re assigning that job to your future self (who probably doesn't want to do the job either). Also count the costs of delaying that task. Then define the very next thing you have to do, and take smaller steps until you accomplish the original goal.

3. Overcome distractions: Our attention is the most valuable resource we have, and we should protect it. It’s much easier to deal with interruptions and distractions before they happen. Try to reduce distractions – particularly those that involve email, which can be the biggest disruption in your life – in advance.