The Connection
September 26, 2023
Association News
Join the info session to ensure you know how to access all your member resources! If you have any questions, contact
We are pleased to announce Debra Lesar is now the North Central Region Director!
We are kicking off the NAWIC New Year with Cocktails with Karen Hager. This is a casual event where you can take the time to chat with your President and NAWIC sisters. Join NAWIC's National President on the last Wednesday of every month starting October 25.
This event will feature amazing guest speakers, installation demos, giveaways, plus topics and insights specific to women in the Construction Industry. Tague Lumber is hoping to reach women interested in the construction-related trades, building, architecture, civil engineering, project management, CAD/CAM, CNC, woodworking, all aspects of design, and all areas of trade-related support services. (PLUS teachers, mentors, trainers, etc.). 
Join the electrical and systems contracting industry October 16-18 in the dynamic city of Dallas, Texas, to embark on an unparalleled journey of growth and empowerment. Use the promo code "NAWIC15" for 15% off full registration.
Commerce Bank
Education / Training

If you or members in your chapter are interested in joining and/or creating a Lean In Circle then contact Anne Pfleger (

Lean In also just launched Lean In Girls, a leadership program that helps girls see themselves as leaders in a world that often tells them they’re not. We want to equip more girls to be self-assured, resilient, and inclusive everyday leaders and inspire them to lead boldly. And we want the world to remove the obstacles in girls’ way and encourage them to lead on their own terms.  
Construction Inclusion Week is just around the corner! There are some great resources and events you don't want to miss, so be on the look out soon.
How 92-Vehicle HVAC fleet is streamlining operations with a smarter fuel card
K-Dimensional Holdings Inc. / CoastPay®
Texas-based Gillette Air Conditioning struggled with inefficiencies caused by an old station-specific fuel card that was hard to manage and use. Switching to Coast fuel cards allowed them to streamline fleet ops and improve card security across a fleet of 90+ vehicles. Watch to find out how.

Industry Update
As a child, Bond Civil & Utility Construction’s Selasie Buatsi tagged along with her father to construction jobs in her native Ghana.

(From Construction Dive)
Construction Dive rounds up its series on the challenges and opportunities of a strong preconstruction approach.

(From Construction Dive)
As the skilled labor shortage continues to grow, opportunities in modular construction could pave the way for women and others not often considered for the job.

Caterpillar, Inc.