ConsensusDocs Turns 12!

ConsensusDocs are the only standard contracts developed by a diverse coalition of 40 leading associations with members from all stakeholders.

ConsensusDocs was founded in 2007 under the leadership of twenty organizations in the architecture, engineering, and construction (A/E/C) industry, with one goal in mind: to help the industry build a better way by developing contracts that protect the best interests of the project. In order to do so, the ConsensusDocs Coalition created a process dependent upon — trust, collaboration, and innovation.

As the A/E/C industry evolves, the ConsensusDocs Coalition continues to create working groups to meet the industry’s contract needs. In these working groups industry professionals come together to discuss current trends and best practices in order to develop contracts that are relevant and useful. Through numerous virtual and in person meetings, working group members are given the opportunity to express their positions regarding the contract topic and provide bases for such positions. Over the course of these discussions a document —that represents all voices from the A/E/C industry—is drafted. Once a completed draft has been developed, the document is sent to the Contract Content Advisory Council for approval. Once the council has reviewed and approved the document, the ConsensusDocs Executive Director distributes the Proposed Document to the ConsensusDocs Endorsing Organizations. After the Proposed Document has been approved by the Endorsing Organizations it is published for use.

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