A Memorable Conference Experience

By Kathryn Dattomo

As you know, this year’s fall national conference took place in Louisville last month. The four days were filled with building connections, gaining valuable education, and reminiscing with one another about the past 40 years of NAPFA. The keynote session kicked off with an exciting Louisville staple—the “Call to Post,” performed by Steve Buttleman, longtime official bugler of Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby.

To continue celebrating NAPFA’s 40th anniversary, a large banner was available for attendees to sign with the year they joined NAPFA. Before the keynote session, all members and volunteers were asked to stand to be recognized for their support and dedication to NAPFA. Four of NAPFA’s founders—Richie Lee, Michael Leonetti, Mary Malgoire, and Gary Pittsford—were in attendance and recognized. Meeting them at the conference and talking about NAPFA’s origins and its journey was truly exhilarating.

The conference sessions varied in topic, ranging from Social Security to regulatory exams to home equity. In addition, the conference hosted nearly 60 exhibitors, including 13 first-time exhibitors.

NAPFA recognized two of the 2023 NAPFA award recipients—Oak Wealth Advisors and CI Budros Ruhlin Roe—during the conference. Both firms received this year’s Excellence in DEI Award. Mike Walther received the award on behalf of Oak Wealth Advisors, and Jamie Rizer received the award on behalf of CI Budros Ruhlin Roe. I invite you to learn more about their firms and their work in DEI. (Also, see their Q&As in the September NAPFA Advisor.)

The conference hosted an electrifying Derby-themed closing party at the Kentucky Derby Museum. Attendees were invited to dress for the theme; drinks and hors d’oeuvres were served while attendees had the opportunity to wander through the museum and learn about the Kentucky Derby’s history.

I would like to thank all of you who introduced yourselves to me at the conference. Despite my being at NAPFA for only a short time, you have all been incredibly welcoming. I am very appreciative. Thank you also to all conference organizers, exhibitors, speakers, and participants for your contributions to a great conference.

NAPFA will host conferences next year in two vibrant locations—Fort Worth, TX (May 8–11, 2024), and Nashville, TN (Oct. 30–Nov. 2, 2024). More conference information will be available soon on our website. I hope to meet more of you at these events!