NALA is the Nation's Leading Professional Association for Paralegals
Equipping paralegals for the challenges of the future through certification, professional development, and advocacy.
-NALA Mission Statement
Ensuring paralegals are known and valued as an integral part of the legal ecosystem.
-NALA Vision Statement
Melissa's Minute! - July Edition |
2021 Conference @ Home - New Facebook Group The 2021 NALA Conference @ Home is ONE WEEK AWAY! We are elated that over 1,300 people have registered for conference so far. Have you? Conference registration is open until Tuesday, July 20 at 11 p.m. CT. The 2021 NALA Conference @ Home featuring our digital exhibitors will showcase dynamic speakers discussing relevant and timely topics for paralegals. We will gather virtually for all sessions and meetings, including the NALA Annual Meeting and NALA Affiliated Associations Annual Meeting.
- Virtual conference registration: $199 for members, $249 for non-members, and $149 for student members, which includes education sessions and public meetings.
- Public meetings: access to the NALA Annual Meeting, NALA Affiliated Associations Annual Meeting, both NALA Board of Directors meetings, the second Virtual Candidate Forum, and the NALA panel discussion is free to everyone. (Please note to attend the public meetings, you must register; however, if you register for the full virtual conference, you do not need to register for both.)
Conference registrants – have you joined the new conference Facebook group? The 2021 NALA Conference @ Home Social Center is the main social location for all things conference related. Conference registrants (both full conference and meetings only) are invited and encouraged to join this private group to connect with fellow registrants. Click here to access the group. This is the perfect place to get to know one another – both now and during conference – and share what you love about being in the legal field. Since this is a private group, when you request to join, you will answer a few simple questions, and our admins will review and approve your request to join. Once approved, you may start posting!
NALA Board of Directors 2nd Virtual Candidate Forum - July 21 The second live-streamed NALA 2021 Board of Directors Virtual Candidate Forum will be held Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at 5:45 p.m. CT., right after the final 2020-2021 NALA Board of Directors virtual meeting. Those who wish to attend must be either registered for the full conference or the public meetings only. This Forum gives attendees the unique opportunity to ask live questions to the Board candidates through the virtual platform’s Q&A feature! An email will be sent out to conference registrants prior to the forum with instructions. If you joined us for the first Forum, the access is the same process for this Forum. The full recording of the first Virtual Candidate Forum can be found here.
NALA Board of Directors Election – Voting Closes July 21 NALA Active type members have the exclusive privilege to vote in the NALA Board of Director elections, as well as vote for the proposed bylaw amendment. Online voting will close July 21 at 11:59 p.m. CT. Election results will be announced during the Annual Membership Meeting on July 22, 2021. OPEN NALA BOARD POSITIONS Officers to be elected are: Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers are elected for one-year terms and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Two seats are open for At Large Director positions. At Large Directors are elected for a two-year term and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Want to get to know the candidates better to help you determine who would best represent you and your interests on the NALA Board of Directors? NALA has provided resources to help you make the most informed decision possible.
- Candidate profiles: candidates’ professional qualifications are listed under their picture on the NALA website.
- Candidate responses to the 2021 Candidate Question: candidates were asked the following question: What are three values you think you demonstrate as a leader? Candidate responses can be found alongside their profiles on the NALA website.
- Candidate videos: candidates had the option to record a YouTube video with their own personal message to voters. You can find the link to candidate videos under their profiles on the NALA website.
Please take advantage of these resources to help you decide who is the best candidate to represent you in your association. For more information about NALA Board of Director elections, including detailed information about the proposed bylaw amendment, please visit our website.
July NALA Volunteer Spotlight - Kimberly A.S. Brown, ACP In each monthly newsletter, an outstanding NALA volunteer is featured in the NALA Volunteer Spotlight. This spotlight includes the volunteer’s professional achievements and fun facts about them. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know your fellow NALA volunteer members on a more personal level! In this month’s spotlight, we would like to introduce you to Kimberly A.S. Brown, ACP, who has been a NALA member since 2008. Please click here to read July’s Volunteer Spotlight!
NALA CEO Featured on The Paralegal Voice Podcast We are excited to share that NALA CEO Vanessa Finley, MBA, CAE, was recently featured on the Paralegal Voice Podcast! She joined host (and NALA Past President) Jill I. Francisco, ACP, to discuss the 2021 NALA Conference @ Home with its record-breaking registration numbers and education sessions. Alongside conference-related conversation, they also discuss NALA certification, access to justice, and how the regulatory landscape is changing when it comes to who can deliver legal services. Check out the June 30 Paralegal Voice Podcast by clicking here.


July DEI – The Month of Many Celebrations In this month’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion article, NALA DEI Committee Chair Peonca S. Grier, CP, discusses the many ways we can celebrate diversity in the month of July. Not only do we celebrate our nation’s birthday, but we also have the opportunity to celebrate National French American Heritage Month. Peonca shares the fascinating history and significance of this month, as well as other important celebrations taking place.
To read “July – Full of Reasons to Celebrate and Recognize Diversity,” please click here.


CP Applicants:
- The CP Exam application fee does NOT include fees charged by PSI or non-PSI testing centers.
- The paralegal student application fee is for paralegal students currently in the last semester or quarter of a Paralegal program and who do not currently qualify under category 1, 2, or 3. The student application, fee, and supporting documentation must be mailed, emailed (, or faxed (918-582-6772) to us.
CP Examinees:
- The July 2021 Skills Exam testing window is open until July 31. If you are eligible to take it, schedule your appointment now!
- Congratulations to the new CPs who passed the April 2021 Skills Exam! We know that you are proud of your tremendous accomplishment. By now, you should have received your CP packet in the mail.
- July CPs and ACPs! Don’t let your CERTIFICATION and DIGITAL BADGE expire! Enter your CLE and submit the online Recertification Affidavit and fee or the PDF Recertification form to before 7/31/2021!
Bluetooth Speaker
Enjoy the crisp clear sound of your favorite songs, playlists, podcasts, or audiobooks with this bluetooth wireless speaker! This speaker has a rechargeable 500 mAh battery, with a 2.5-hr charge time and plays up to two hours on a full charge. Great for traveling, office settings, home and outdoor use. Simply pair your device via Bluetooth® or use the 3.5mm audio input. Bluetooth® working range is up to 33-feet. Size: 2-1/4" x 4-1/4" x 1-1/2"s. $29.99 + Shipping
Stainless Steel Coffee Tumbler
Stainless steel outer wall with a navy-blue PVC outer sleeve with white stitching. Tumbler has double-wall insulation, a stainless-steel lid with slide lock to help prevent spills and a no slip bottom. Not microwave or dishwasher safe. $20 + Shipping
Phenomenal Paralegal - Face Masks!
These custom reusable face masks are engineered with a replaceable filter system. Masks include adjustable ear straps and are molded to fit around the nose and chin for better comfort and breathing. With our popular "Phenomenal Paralegal" messaging, this is the perfect way to stay safe while displaying your paralegal pride during these uncertain times. Available in sizes Small and Large. $19.50 + Shipping
As a NALA member, you receive exclusive local and national discounts on hundreds of products and services. To access these deals, log into your NALA account and then go to the Affinity Discounts page on our website.
Digital Copies of Facts & Findings Did you know that NALA members not only receive a physical copy of the award-winning Facts & Findings magazine quarterly, but they can also access the digital version at any time from their NALA accounts? All digital publications of the quarterly magazine are available at no additional cost to members. To access your digital copies, follow these instructions:
- Login to your NALA account
- Click the “My NALA Account” link under Quick Links on the NALA homepage
- Once you are in the account “Overview,” click the “Purchases” tab (there is no fee for members to "purchase" past magazines)
- Under the Purchases section, locate and click the “Subscriptions” tab in the blue left-hand column
- Under “Active Subscriptions,” click the blue “Details” button
- Once the details section of your subscription show up, locate and click the blue “Downloads” tab in the middle of the screen
- Locate the issue of F&F you want to view, and then click the green “Download” button (your download should start automatically)
Do not forget that you can earn CLE for reading specified articles in each magazine issue!