NALA is the Nation's Leading Professional Association for Paralegals
Equipping paralegals for the challenges of the future through certification, professional development, and advocacy.
-NALA Mission Statement
Ensuring paralegals are known and valued as an integral part of the legal ecosystem.
-NALA Vision Statement
Melissa's Minute! - February Edition |
Save the Date: 2021 NALA Conference & Expo As we all know, circumstances can change quickly when dealing with the pandemic. However, one thing that has not changed is NALA’s dedication to providing an INCREDIBLE conference experience, no matter the circumstances. Although we cannot predict how the world will look in the upcoming months, you can rest assured that the 2021 NALA Conference & Expo will take place July 22-24, 2021 – whether in-person in Louisville, Kentucky, or as a virtual conference, like we delivered in 2020. The safety of attendees is our number one priority. We sincerely hope to gather in person, but if the situation calls for another virtual conference, we promise to make it an incredible experience either way! Please mark your calendars now for July 22-24, 2021, to join us for this year’s exceptional event! You can find the latest conference news on our website, NALA emails, and social media. Conference rates will be released once the decision has been made for either in-person or virtual.Thank you for your patience as we continue to weigh all the factors to help us make this important decision!
NALA Volunteer Spotlight - Barbara Mills, ACP In each monthly newsletter, an outstanding NALA volunteer will be featured in the NALA Volunteer Spotlight. This spotlight will include the volunteer’s professional achievements and fun facts about them. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to get to know your fellow NALA members on a more personal level! In this month’s spotlight, we would like to introduce Barbara Mills, ACP. Please click here to read February 2021’s Volunteer Spotlight!
Student of the Year Award Nomination Deadline – March 1 Only TWO WEEKS remain to submit nominations for the Student of the Year Award. Nominations are due no later than March 1, 2021. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievement by a full-time student in good standing at any college, junior college, or other school pursuing a course of study as a paralegal. To learn more about nomination criteria, who can submit a nomination, and the details of this award, please visit the NALA website by clicking here. Nomination forms can also be downloaded from this link.
Declare Your Candidacy - NALA Board Elections 2021 Only ONE MONTH remains to submit declaration of candidacy forms to run for NALA office! If you are passionate about the paralegal field and want to impact the future of NALA, a NALA board position might be the right fit for you. Our board members are active advocates and ambassadors for the organization and for the paralegal profession. Serving on the board is a rewarding, gratifying and enjoyable way to be engaged in your association. Open board positions include the following: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two At Large Director positions. For a detailed explanation of each role, please click here. All candidates must complete a Declaration of Candidacy form and provide a high-resolution photograph to NALA. You can submit this form electronically to, or by mail, no later than March 15, 2021 (postmarked or received). Declarations received after the deadline will not be accepted. You can download a Declaration of Candidacy form by clicking here. Please take a moment to thoughtfully consider if you would like to declare your candidacy for the NALA board of directors. NALA needs outstanding and dedicated professionals who genuinely care about the future of the organization and the paralegal profession.
Check out the "Paralegal Brief"! Paralegal Brief brings together the widest set of expert, thought-leadership content from hundreds of leading sources. Powered by Aggregage technology, Paralegal Brief uses machine intelligence, smart algorithms, social media and audience-driven data to deliver the most relevant, custom-curated content to each and every reader. With Paralegal Brief, you can access the best expert insights, in-depth analysis, and the latest information from hundreds of sources, all together in one place. Welcome emails from Paralegal Brief were sent out to NALA members in January. We are excited to welcome you to this new community for paralegal professionals! Enjoy this valuable resource – brought to you by NALA – and please let us know if you have thoughts or ideas on how to make this service better. To access Paralegal Brief, please click here.


February DEI Article – Black History Month Each February, we have the privilege to celebrate Black History Month, specifically the lives and achievements of Black people throughout history. In this month’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion article, NALA Affiliated Associations Director Peonca S. Grier, CP, shares the fascinating origins of Black History Month. Please take a moment to read this intriguing article by clicking here.
Cyber Issues in Today's Workplace February 17 | 12 p.m. CT | CLE: 1 | NON-SUB Hardly a day goes by without another headline of a data breach. This webinar addresses general cybersecurity issues and awareness, including a discussion of what to do if you (or a client) have been breached. Discussions will include the evolving landscape of cyber litigation and will be guided by many real-life examples of cyber-attacks and corresponding litigation. Objectives of this webinar include the following:
- Increased awareness regarding cybersecurity threats and issues;
- Understanding best practices following a data breach and basic reporting requirements;
- Exposure to data breach litigation claims and defenses.
Become the Most Valuable Paralegal in the Office March 3 | 12 p.m. CT | CLE: 1 | NON-SUB Have you ever wondered why certain paralegals in the office seem to always be at the top of their game? This course will share a number of super practical tips, as well as some deeper analysis of legal writing, as we explore the skills and behaviors that will make you a vital part of the team! This session will cover:
- How to document and communicate about assignments so you know you’re on the right track
- How to leverage technology to become the extra set of eyes on every document
- Understanding what attorneys are thinking about when they are writing pleadings and adding citations, and where you can add the most value
- How to build time into the schedule for big picture organization
- Your role in improving the profitability of the firm (including understanding utilization rates and new client responsiveness)
- Helping the attorneys stay in the know
Miller Trust Essentials March 16 | 1p.m. CT | CLE: 1 A Miller Trust is a special type of trust that adjusts a person's income downward, usually in an attempt for the individual to retain eligibility for certain types of governmental benefit programs. Most often, these trusts are used for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the Medicaid program. This webinar identifies if a Miller Trust is needed and details the steps to set one up.
Effectively Lead Your Remote Team March 23 | 12 p.m. CT | CLE: 1 | NON-SUB The health of your team and company will flourish or be damaged by how you communicate. In this webinar, attendees will learn:
- The common struggles with leading remote teams
- Four principles to help lead remote teams more effectively
- Tools to help build trust and influence while working remotely


CP Exam Reminders:
- The February 2021 Skills Exam testing window is now open! If you are eligible to take it, you may schedule your appointment.
- The Knowledge Exam is administered year-round.
- The Skills Exam is administered in February, April, July and October.
- If you would prefer taking your exam at your job, college or military base instead of a PSI testing center, click here. More details are listed under the Testing Center Qualifications & Forms section.
- If you have any questions, please contact us at
- February Certificants! Your certification expires on 2/28/2021. We have sent a reminder for you to enter your CLE into your NALA account. If you have already met the required 50 hours, including 5 hours of legal ethics, and not more than 10 hours of non-substantive credits, you may recertify online now! You may also mail, fax or email the PDF Recertification form to us before 2/28/2021.
- If your certification expiration date was 8/31/2020, you received an extension to meet the recertification requirements. The extension deadline is 2/28/2021. Please enter your CLE now and return the PDF Recertification form and fee.
- If you have any questions, please contact us at
*NEW* Phenomenal Paralegal - Face Masks!
These custom reusable face masks are engineered with a replaceable filter system. Masks include adjustable ear straps and are molded to fit around the nose and chin for better comfort and breathing. With our popular "Phenomenal Paralegal" messaging, this is the perfect way to stay safe while displaying your paralegal pride during these uncertain times. Available in sizes Small and Large. $19.50 + Shipping
Ladies Zip Jacket
This jacket is the perfect winter addition to any paralegal wardrobe. The extra stretch material gives enough room to move around in comfort. The half-zip collar, subtle vertical texture, and lightweight material ensure a professional appearance. The embroidered "NALA" logo is the best way to show your support! $45 + Shipping
"Phenomenal Paralegal" T-Shirt
Dress for success with our super-soft, breathable “Phenomenal Paralegal” T-shirts. This next level shirt comes in a heather gray color with the NALA logo printed behind the neck. This comfortable, roomy top is the perfect addition to your wardrobe. Limited quantities available.$18.50 + Shipping
As a NALA member, you receive exclusive local and national discounts on hundreds of products and services. To access these deals, log into your NALA account and then go to the Affinity Discounts page on our website.
NALA Milestone Membership Anniversaries! We all know 2020 was a tough year, but we strive to always find the positives. Our members are at the core of NALA, and we love to celebrate those who have shared this journey with us for many years. Many members reached milestone membership anniversaries in 2020. These milestone years are continuous memberships with NALA for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years. Please click here to read the names of all our awesome members who reached one of these milestones last year. We also have a surprise coming soon! Stay tuned in the coming months for a BRAND NEW membership reward for those who reach milestone membership anniversaries. We know you are going to love it!