NALA is the Nation's Leading Professional Association for Paralegals
Equipping paralegals for the challenges of the future through certification, professional development, and advocacy.
-NALA Mission Statement
Ensuring paralegals are known and valued as an integral part of the legal ecosystem.
-NALA Vision Statement
Contract Lifecycle Management Software Report NALA and Wolters Kluwer have collaborated in a study aimed at exploring how corporate paralegals and corporate legal departments select, roll out and leverage contract management solutions. We are proud to be able to share this report with you. Please check out this complimentary copy of the Contract Lifecycle Management Software Report!
Are Your Emails Not Reaching Us? With the rise of email-based cybersecurity attacks, we have implemented a new spam filtering system to help protect our system from unwanted and malicious emails. In the event that your email does not receive a timely response, your email may have been blocked by our new filter. If you feel this is the case, just give us a call, and we will make sure we get your email on our whitelist so we can keep our communications with you going. Thank you for your patience during implementation of our new security features.
NALA Strategic Map for 2019-2021



Recorded Conference Sessions Coming Soon! Most of the education sessions at conference were recorded! Once available, you will be able to access these sessions just like our on-demand webinars. These recordings include the presenters' audio and presentation material for a visual re-creation of each presentation. CLE will be available for each session. If you attended the live version, you are not eligible to obtain CLE for the recorded version. On-demand access to the recordings is available for one year.
NALA believes it is important for paralegals to focus on leadership development. That's why we've created two leadership bundles: Personal Leadership and Organizational Leadership. These bundles provide paralegals with the opportunity to learn, grow and develop both their personal and organizational leadership skills with the help of interactive activities and module assessments to measure your comprehension of the material. The Leadership Basics course is free to all Active Type NALA Members.
 Informed Consent |
Informed Consent Sept. 10 | 10:00 a.m. CT | CLE: 1 This presentation will provide a review of the 14 basic elements of informed consent, the role of the IRB and the role a paralegal may play in evaluating the ICF elements from the clinical research study sponsor perspective.

 Medical Malpractice Litigation - A Paralegal's Role |
Medical Malpractice Litigation - A Paralegal's Role Sept. 25 | 11:00 a.m. CT | CLE: 1 Medical malpractice litigation combines all the demands of complex litigation with a wide range of challenging medical issues. This webinar will provide an overview of medical malpractice litigation from pre-suit through trial while focusing on the paralegal’s role as part of the medical malpractice team. Attendees will learn strategies for paralegals at each stage of a medical malpractice case, including medical literature research; records collection and analysis; expert research and retention; trial preparation; and trial support.



What's Happening in Certification? For Certified Paralegals:
- There is no minimum length requirement for CLE. CLE credit towards the maintenance of of the CP credential will be accepted in any time increments (i.e. no minimum time requirement).
- As of August 1, 2019, CPs are no longer required to complete a test after reading Facts & Findings articles. CLE must be submitted within one year of the publication date. No other publications will be considered. Certified Paralegals may submit up to two hours of CLE per year, with a maximum of five hours of CLE per each five-year certification period.
- If you are returning from retirement status, a reactivation fee of $125 will be required to reactivate the credential, with the five-year recertification period remaining the same as it was prior to retirement. If the CP is in retired status past the last recertification date, a new recertification period begins on the date of reemployment.
- Paralegal students who are in their last semester or quarter of the program, with proof, will be allowed to apply for the CP exam.
- Paralegal students, with proof, will have a Student application fee of:
$125 for NALA members $150 for non-members
Unsure about the CP exam appliation process? Check out the CP Exam FAQs. For more details on certification policies, please download the CP Program Handbook from our website.
Specialty Area Law Books! Choose from 11 areas of law! These books were designed specifically to help paralegals navigate their way through specialty areas of law. Get the electronic version of these books FREE when you purchase a corresponding NALA Self-Study course. NALA Member Price: $79.00

NALA Computer Briefcase
Take your laptop and materials with you on the go. The zippered main compartment features a 15” padded laptop pocket with two additional pockets for storage. The front zippered pocket features a number of pockets and pen slots for easy organizing. ONLY 5 LEFT IN STOCK
$35.00 + S&H


NALA Ladies Zip Jacket
This ladies zip jacket is the perfect addition to any paralegal wardrobe. The extra stretch (non-fleece) material gives enough room to move around in comfort. The half-zip collar, subtle vertical texture and lightweight material ensure a professional appearance while still providing just the right amount of warmth. LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE
As a member of NALA, you receive exclusive local and national discounts on hundreds of products and services. To access these deals, view the Affinity Discounts page on our website and use the password: Naladeals!
Facts & Findings - Q3 |
Mastering Core Work Traits Written by Kate Tribbett Essential Traits for a Paralegal What does it take to be good at your job? There are classes, certificates and trainings for nearly every skill we use in our jobs, but underneath all of those abilities, there are some core traits that we can hone. As we face projects, in addition to focusing on the minutiae of the task, take some time to reflect on the traits you have that will help you succeed.
Humility We often think of humility as being meek or submissive, but the secret to humility is knowing how much space to take up in a room, conversation or project. There will be times when your practice of humility means being open to suggestions and directions. At other times your humility will mean speaking up, honoring your experience and knowledge and sharing your thoughts. You can read the full article here.

Keep Your Information Up-to-Date! Please make sure to update your contact information in your personal NALA Account. This includes your name, preferred email and street address, as well as your specialty area of law. This information guarantees that you receive correct and important NALA notices and communications. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 918-587-6828.

Upgrade to an Organization Membership! We are pleased to announce our new Organization Membership! This membership allows companies to offer all the benefits of NALA to each of the paralegals on their staff for one flat rate. With several different staff sizing options available, you can select the best fit for your entire organization. Learn more about upgrading to an Organization Membership.