NALA was founded in 1975 to provide exceptional continuing education and professional development designed specifically to advance paralegals and other legal support professionals in their careers. For nearly 50 years, NALA has been supporting paralegals across the nation. We are a member-driven organization, which means that our members make us who we are. We are always striving to serve you better. Our mission is to equip paralegals for the challenges of the future through certification, professional development, and advocacy. Our vision is to ensure paralegals are known and valued as an integral part of the legal ecosystem. Whether you have been a member for decades, just joined, or are somewhere in between, we are so grateful to have you. If you are not yet a member of NALA, we encourage you to join. NALA offers certification, continuing education, networking, and more. We've continued to evolve over the decades, so you can be sure we are providing high-quality, relevant products and services that meet the ever-changing needs of paralegals. To our members who have made it possible for us to come this far, we give our sincerest thanks. We hope you are celebrating with us as we look foward to NALA's bright future.

To learn more about NALA, visit our website.