Paralegal Voice Podcast

When it comes to DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), our guests believe legal organizations want to do what’s best. But they don’t know where to start, or even have the data tools to point out shortcomings. The issue can seem so overwhelming the process falls into analysis paralysis. 

But as host Carl Morrison hears, even beating a problem so overwhelming can be done with the right tool, one bite at a time, like eating the proverbial elephant. 

Where can firms get the data they need? Where to start? Guests Mark Harris and Emmanuel Smith of JusticeBid explain how data from JusticeBid analytics helps the legal community progress, build diversity, and leverage available talent by expanding opportunities to all. 

And because one of our guests is an NFL Super Bowl Champion (hint: Smith), we hear what the legal community can learn from the NFL’s struggles with DEI and the so-called “Rooney Rule” that has been in the news.

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