December DEI
Written by Yolanda Garcia, CP
Although December has not been designated a special heritage month, it does contain celebratory days that are recognized internationally. On December 10 in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The document set forth the basic civil standard of economic, political and social rights that should be guaranteed to every person. Each December, the commitment to this universal document of rights is renewed and celebrated.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is relevant today because it is an expression of what is right and good and worth fighting for. It is a set of guidelines that helps to keep the eyes of humankind on the goal of a world in which everyone lives the lives to which they are entitled. Maybe it’s cheesy, maybe it’s cliché. But we need something to remind us of the values we hold dear. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights does that, and may we never forget it. Continue reading the full article!