NALA Panel Discussion - September 22
September 22  |  7 p.m. CT  |  FREE  |  Virtual
Paralegal students and those new to the profession – we have an exciting live-streaming event coming up soon! NALA invites you to the FREE NALA Panel Discussion “So, you want to be a paralegal?” on Wednesday, September 22 at 7 p.m. CT.

This live-streaming event via GoToWebinar connects you with dynamic speakers and your peers to discuss burning questions regarding the paralegal career field. The goal of this live event is not simply to pique your interest but to be a helpful resource in your decision-making process and pathway to becoming a stellar paralegal professional.

You don’t want to miss this live-streaming event! Registration is required, and seats are limited. You can register now by clicking here. Please note that registration confirmation will include event access instructions.