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"Sitting at the Table" by Adrienne D. Berry CP
December 2020 DEI Article
Today, there are two crises facing us front and center: COVID-19 and its disruption in the corporate world for women, including mothers, senior-level women and black women. One in four women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to COVID-19.

This made me wonder if I knew anyone who may be affected by this crisis. I immediately reached out to a good friend from college to get her take on diversity in the workplace as a senior-level, black woman in the South. Martha Emmett Sims has been a “mover and shaker” since her days at the University of Alabama. She is a proven leader who brings years of experience as a proven HR professional – as a strategist, designer and administrator, to name a few – in the field of health and welfare plans for national and global companies for over 25 years.

Diversity is a part of her daily work. She takes that experience to make her own seat at the table, as well as presenting and facilitating professional and technical skills to diverse organizations, both in size and industries. Read the full article here!