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March, 2022
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Social Jazz

With the average American spending over 2.5 hours on social media EVERY day, your business needs to be there too.

Good news is, we’ve created an effortless, affordable way to have your social media done in minutes. Images, captions, hashtags... you get it all.

With Social Jazz you get automated social media including:

  • Amazing social media posts
  • Tailored to the insurance industry
  • Published automatically
  • For the entire year

You just pick Insurance-specific social media posts plus posts for holidays, common occasions, causes you care about, food, fun, and much more. Then just connect your social accounts and let it rip! You'll build credibility, educate your audience, and generate leads with ease.

Put your social media on autopilot.

Try Free for 14-Days

or visit to learn more.




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