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October, 2015
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In an industry as competitive as ours, complacency can cripple the momentum of a growing practice. We saw it happen to the people that came before us, and perhaps the complacency of our more experienced competitors was what let us get our first foothold in an often chaotic market.

Times and trends change. The once cutting edge solution or new business strategy eventually becomes that standard of doing business, and then later it becomes outdated. We often talk about early-adopters as trendsetters or risk takers, but really the dynamic at play is a willingness to embrace discomfort if it means uncovering a potentially lucrative opportunity.

Having the mindset to look beyond your comfort zone, to experiment, to learn something new is part of what can push your business from good to great. It keeps the forward energy of your business building, allowing you to capture more wallet share while also outperforming your competitors.

I challenge you to challenge your center point. Explore new territory. Set the new standard for doing business rather than falling in line behind the advisors that are bold enough to go first.

Download our new white paper, Challenge Your Center Point to Create Exponential Growth, to learn more.

In the meantime, if you want to take 10 minutes to chat about your business and your goals, we are happy to share our perspective with you. Reach out to me directly at 412-291-6685 or


John Pojeta
Vice President of Business Development
The PT Services Group

About John

John Pojeta is Vice President of Business Development at the PT Services Group, where he initiates and manages strategic, corporate-level relationships. Previously, he owned and operated an Ameriprise Financial Services franchise for 16 years.



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