NAFA's Final Free Webinar for 2018, Cybersecurity, Electrification, and the Evolving Autonomous Landscape - Don't Miss It!

NAFA webinars are available for FREE for all NAFA Members as an exclusive benefit of membership. Registration for non-members is $25. Register now and be prepared for these informative education opportunities.

Cybersecurity, Electrification, and the Evolving Autonomous Landscape;
What This Means to Fleet

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Instructor: Dennis Straight, Chief Technology Officer, Donlen

Fleet professionals have to prepare for the arrival of connected vehicles, and be prepared for electrification, cybersecurity, and autonomous vehicles. You are the fleet expert, and your senior leaders will turn to you for answers. Learn how to be in a position of authority by learning what is on the horizon.

NAFA Fleet Management Association