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Learn More About I&E Keynote Speaker Kevin Brown on Being Your Best When It Matters the Most

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Kevin Brown’s unconventional path to business and personal success has taught him that winning in business and life requires anything but conventional thinking. Gain from his inspirational message at the Opening Keynote Luncheon, April 6, at NAFA’s 2020 Institute & Expo. This year’s I&E takes place in Indianapolis and you won’t want to miss it. Learn more and register now!

At the heart of Kevin’s message is a simple, yet powerful philosophy for life that drives every thought, every action, and ultimately every result we achieve both personally and professionally.

As a highly sought-after keynote speaker, Kevin has had the privilege of speaking to a wide variety of organizations. Kevin entertains, inspires and challenges people to show up every day and make a positive difference at work and in life.

Attendees will:

  • Achieve greater results by eliminating “ordinary" thinking and mastering the habit of excellence.
  • Own the moments that matter by taking responsibility for your attitude, your actions, and your results.
  • Create meaningful relationships and deliver an extraordinary experience for every “customer” at work and home.

Kevin Brown grew up in Muskegon, Michigan, where his blue-collar roots taught him the value of hard work and determination. With a street-wise aptitude and a never quit attitude, he worked his way from the front lines in business to the executive boardroom.

Kevin understands what drives organizational excellence and customer loyalty. He knows first-hand how great brands think, feel, and act. He is a branding and culture expert with a career in franchise development that spans 30 years. He spent the past 19 years as part of a leadership team that built a little-known family business into the #1 franchise in their industry with annual revenues exceeding $2 billion. In 2017, he retired from corporate America to pursue his passion for bringing The HERO Effect message to as many people and organizations as possible.

Kevin is on a mission to help people and organizations embrace a simple philosophy that separates world-class organizations and high-performance people from everybody else. He is passionate about helping people expand their vision, develop their potential and grow their results. s the father of an autistic child, he knows firsthand how the principles of true success reach beyond the boardroom and into the lives of real people facing the challenges of everyday life.

Register today for the 2020 Institute & Expo and learn from this thought-provoking presentation!


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