Today: Leveraging Mobile Applications for Fleet Operations

Leveraging Mobile Applications for Fleet Operations

Today, 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Room 213A

Mobile technology and applications have drastically changed the way fleets and fleet professionals operate. Today, it is more vital than ever for drivers and other field workers to be able to complete tasks on-the-go and for technicians and office personnel to work within their fleet management software system without being chained to their computers. How can you take advantage of these time-saving technologies?

Find out this afternoon with the session Leveraging Mobile Applications for Fleet Operations moderated by Anthony Orta, Fleet Strategy & Maintenance Operations Manager, SoCalGas; and featuring speaker Michael Bernstein, Sales Engineer, AssetWorks. 

With this informative session, you will be able to understand how mobile applications can integrate with fleet management software systems. You'll learn to determine how mobile applications can help streamline fleet operations by providing flexible usage for on-the-go employees, and discover how mobile applications can strengthen the cost reduction capabilities of fleet management software systems.

Technology is making over the fleet and mobility profession in profound ways. Learn how you can leverage these technologies to your benefit with the session Leveraging Mobile Applications for Fleet Operations, this afternoon at 2:00 p.m.