NAFA's CAFM® Boot Camp – The Perfect Opportunity to Prepare for the Certification Exams

The CAFM Boot Camp sessions review the concepts in the curriculum with which most candidates have difficulty, based on test result analysis. CAFM/S program participants can use this opportunity to reinforce their existing expertise and obtain assistance for concepts that might be problematic. The CAFM Boot Camp program covers the certification program's eight disciplines with a focus on exam preparation.

The CAFM program is divided into eight disciplines, covering the essential core competencies of fleet management: Fleet Information Management, Maintenance Management, Professional Development, Vehicle Fuel Management, Asset Management, Business Management, Financial Management, and Risk Management.

Successfully testing in all eight disciplines while enrolled in the full CAFM program earns the Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM) designation. Successfully testing in any four disciplines earns the Certified Automotive Fleet Specialist (CAFS) designation. Those who have earned the CAFS designation and keep it active through recertification, may subsequently earn the CAFM designation by successfully testing in the remaining four disciplines during that enrollment period.

Find out everything you need about CAFM certification by clicking here.