Are You Ready for Autonomous Vehicles and Their Impact on the Fleet Industry?

The autonomous vehicle has quickly matured from an abstract concept to a reality that is quickly appearing within our view. But how will this amazing new innovation impact the fleet industry?

Get a handle on this quickly changing technological advancement with the session Autonomous Vehicles and Their Impact on the Fleet Industry taking place on Tuesday, April 25.

Just consider the safety, productivity, cost, and legal implications of self-driving vehicles. While the direct impact to fleet may still be several years away, this is all new territory, will require time to prepare, and will indirectly affect your fleet. How do you prepare for the future impact to so many areas of fleet? Take part in this session and join the conversation.

You will learn how to identify the technology early adopters and better understand the potential impact to your fleet.

Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at NAFA's Institute & Expo with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!

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