Getting Employees Home Safe: Identifying and Changing Risky Driving Behavior

Getting Employees Home Safe: Identifying and Changing Risky Driving Behavior
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Given the litigious nature of society today, eliminating risk is now part of everyone’s job, including the fleet manager. One of the fastest growing risks to your organization is poor driving behavior. The threat of negligent entrustment lawsuits, punitive damages, lost revenue, and bad press as a result of poor driving behavior pose some of today’s greatest threats.

The informative session Getting Employees Home Safe: Identifying and Changing Risky Driving Behavior recognizes the challenge: identify risky drivers, track and analyze all driving behaviors, and then modify poor behaviors.

You will learn:

1. Identify specific tactics to ensure your organization has the latest data to protect them.
2. Learn specific strategies that will teach drivers how to avoid risky behavior and embrace safe driving techniques
3. Embrace analytic tools to modify risky driver behaviors

Make sure that this informative session is part of your education itinerary! Find out more about all the great education happening at NAFA's Institute & Expo with the online conference agenda -- click here for more!

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