Wrapping Up The 2016 International Fleet Academy

Here are some key takeaways from NAFA's pre-conference International Fleet Academy!


Many of your fellow fleet professionals took advantage of the terrific information-sharing opportunities from yesterday, and many more will be with us today for the opening of the Institute & Expo!


From the start of the event one thing was made crystal clear: just because you are not now a global fleet manager doesn't mean you will never be one. From the quick show of hands, six attendees expressed they started out strictly as fleet managers, and then were given global fleet duties later on. The goal of the IFA is to prepare fleet managers to preform at their best, no matter what stage of their career they are at.



Conversations led by FleetVision's Peter Egan, Element's Heidi DiAngelo, Nestle's Andrzej Sacha, Mercury Associates' Janis Christensen, CAFM®, and more clarified topics regarding the creation of global fleet policies, the differing buyer/vendor perspectives when it comes to RFPs. DiAngelo summarized a global fleet manager's steps with the following:

1. Know your fleet

2. Align company goals

3. Earn local buy-in

4. Develop globalization team roadmap

5. Create your global fleet policy

6. Initiate implementation plan


This is just a tiny part of the information exchanged on Monday. We hope you had an opportunity to share it with us! NAFA will feature an IFA wrapup article in the July/August issue of FLEETSolutions magazine. Consider being a part of the IFA in 2017!