Volunteer Summit

If you were not able to attend the recently held Volunteer Summit, you definitely missed a fabulous event! The evening was engaging, enjoyable, extremely informative and brought together the experienced and the new faces of MPI Toronto

Bob Parker, CSP, was an outstanding keynote speaker who involved the entire audience in evaluating the attributes of a great leader. The message that resonated with many of us is that we need to pick one quality or attribute that we have and then take that and do it really, really well. By focusing on doing one thing well, we will become better leaders as a result.

The group then divided up into three different breakout sessions. Each session was led by members of the leadership team or senior members of the MPI Toronto Chapter. Each session allowed members to find out more information about the roles of each committee and position within the chapter so that members can find a volunteer role that is best suited to their needs. Hearing so many knowledgeable leaders share their experiences was inspiring, exciting and motivating.

A great venue, great content and great people together made for a very successful evening.

Thank you to our event sponsors: Ottawa Tourism, Ottawa Convention Centre, The Allstream Centre, Westbury Audio Visual, The Image Commission and D.E. Systems.

Many thanks as well to the organizing committee: Karen O’Connor, Queenie Yee and Nicola Harber.