Meeting Lite eNewsletter
MPI Toronto Chapter E-Newsletter: February 2023

Random Acts of Kindness for YOUR Wellbeing!

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Random Acts of Kindness for YOUR Wellbeing!

Terry Cunningham, CMP, VEMM

MPI Toronto Communications Committee Volunteer

Precision Event Management & Production

Did you now February 17th is also known as International Random Acts of Kindness Day and that performing random acts of kindness can actually make you healthier? 

Kindness and empathy help us relate to other people and have more positive relationships with friends, family, and even strangers we encounter as we go about our daily lives.

BrightVibes has published a list of the Top 10 Bonus Benefits of Being Kind, which include:

  1. Kindness makes us happier
  2. Kindness is good for the heart
  3. Kindness slows ageing
  4. Kindness improves relationships
  5. Kindness is contagious
  6. Kindness supports the immune system
  7. Kindness releases feel-good hormones
  8. Kindness supports mental health
  9. Kindness eases anxiety
  10. Kindness reduces stress

 Read the full article here.



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