The fabulous Pantages Hotel was buzzing on Thursday, Nov. 2 where MPI Toronto chapter members gathered for a jam-packed afternoon of education on “The Responsible Event.”
After some engaging networking, attendees started the afternoon by shopping at a custom market designed by WholeHearted to prepare essential kits for the local community. The kits were donated to “The Purse Project” for distribution to those in need along with handwritten notes of support and kindness. Thank you to WholeHearted for highlighting the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in the events industry and inspiring us to make a difference.
The next stop was to attend a session of their choice to learn either about Accessibility Using Technology Tools or Sustainability at Event Venues. The accessibility session was facilitated by Bettyanne Sherrer and Rob Duncan who shared their awe-inspiring experience using technology to maximize accessibility at a renowned deaf blind conference. Next door, expert Romina Kwong shared valuable tips on how to make sustainable choices at event venues. Thank you to all our speakers for providing relevant, credible, and strategic insights that those who attended are still talking about.
The group reconnected to share their thoughts, experiences, questions, and ideas on these topics which led to a fulfilling group discussion which could’ve gone on for hours.
A very special thank you to our valued sponsors whose partnership helped make this PD session a massive success! Thank you to Pantages Hotel, AV-CANADA, D.E. Systems, PC Nametag, Ignite, Pinpoint National Photography & WholeHearted.
The PD committee is already hard at work planning the next session coming in February. See you there—you won’t want to miss it!
For more photos of this event, click here. Photos courtesy of PinPoint National Photography