MPISCC September Book Club Recap by Karly Watson

VP of Leadership Development Debra Mategrano kicked off the discussion with introductions and handed it over to Chapter President Amani Roberts, who moderated. Questions were well-thought-out and touched on topics and themes throughout the book, from examining Addie as a character to the perspective the book takes on relationships. One of my favorite questions asked the group whether they would be open to a similar trade if they could live forever. Everyone had a different opinion with reasons to support it, and it was very interesting to hear the group’s stance on the possibility!

MPISCC continues to hit it out of the park with book selections and lively discussion! Thank you to all who attended and participated. At the end of the session, the next book was announced: A Collar In My Pocket: The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Exercise by Jane Elliott. This is expected to be another interesting read sure to spark lively discussion. Be on the lookout for an announcement of the next MPISCC Book Club meeting date!