(WE)Con Educational Conference


Hear from Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP, about leading in times of crisis.
Discuss emergency preparedness with speakers from FEMA and Homeland Security.
Experience the latest in event technology firsthand.
Connect with keynotes who have pivoted their careers and can help you navigate the road ahead.
Combat fatigue, re-energize and focus on productivity.


Keynote speakers pictured clockwise from the top:

Beth Ziesenis, Your Nerdy Best Friend; Genein Letford, Speaker, Author & CEO of Caffe Strategies; Carly Fiorina, Former CEO of HP                      Michael Dominguez, President & CEO of ALHI, and Pamela Schuller, Comedian. Speaker. Advocate 


Attend at your own pace. Participate live or watch educational sessions at your convenience – or both. 

Registration includes access to all four days of programming. Video recordings will be made available following the conference, so you’ll have the opportunity to revisit your favorite sessions or watch any you may have missed.

The new online format will include keynote sessions, hands-on breakouts, roundtable discussions, interactive networking gatherings, entertainment and much more.

Click here to review the agenda.

Capacity for this event is limited — register today.