April Message from You Belong, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chapter Committee by Rhonda Moret

So, this month, we are sharing tangible and practical strategies on how to address situations and occurrences where we want to “stand up” but simply don’t know how. Hollaback!, a global, people-powered movement committed to ending harassment, has developed a strategy that can be used to advocate for someone who is being harassed.

With the  “5 D’s of Bystander Intervention,” you can learn the step-by-step way to advocate for someone using a bold (yet safe) approach.

Hollaback!’s 5D’s are Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay and Direct.

Hollaback! also offers additional resources, programs and training that you might find to be of benefit on a personal basis or on a corporate basis. Additional information can be found HERE.  

Rhonda Moret is founder of Elevated Diversity and co-chair of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee for MPISCC.