Moving from the Evolution Stage to the Revolution Stage

“This year we’ve moved from the evolution stage to the revolution stage,” said John Paxton, CEO of MHI, the association sponsoring MODEX 2022, about where the industry is right now and as an introduction to the great reveal of MHI’s 2022 Annual Industry Report: Evolution to Revolution on Wednesday at MODEX. He said the industry has seen a gradual evolution of the adoption of technologies, and “each year we see a little more.” The report delves into the innovations that are revolutionizing supply chain investments amid ongoing disruption and puts the mountains of data into insightful “mounds” of statistical perspectives and percentages.
“Business is in constant flux,” said Paxton. “Every time you turn around something is changing.” And its number of related Tweets illustrates that point. He said that in Q4 2021, “supply chain” was mentioned 2.2 million times on Twitter. 

Lately, business feels like trying to drink from a fire hose or standing at a wall and getting blasted by one, he added. The important part is how you view the effects and impacts of the pandemic and the past couple of years―half-empty or half-full? If leaning toward half-full, it has increased innovation, spurred creativity, and upped business volumes. Plus, it has kicked off the revolution we’re seeing in the supply chain, said Paxton.

To read about how the industry is adapting and changing, as well as future trends, download the MHI 2022 Annual Industry Report: Evolution to Revolution, at or view the press release here.