MCAC Innovation Conference – Meet the Speakers – Brent Mauti

At the upcoming MCAC Conference on Innovation, IBI Group’s Brent Mauti will be moderating a session on BIM and modularization, and what these trends mean for the mechanical contracting industry.

Brent is the Global Director for Design Technology at IBI Group. He is a licensed architect in Ontario and Alberta who has focused on BIM throughout his career. He has been involved with major projects such as the London 2012 Olympics, the Paralympic Games and the Panama Canal Widening. He has also been a member of the Canada BIM Council’s Board of Directors since 2016. Brent is responsible for improving the delivery of design services, business strategies, implementation and maintenance of firm-wide design technology solutions. Brent’s passion focuses on consultation for lifecycle BIM interoperability and cross-platform synergy.

Join Brent at the MCAC Conference on Innovation. Register now.