Greetings KSHE Members,

As we wind down 2019, we can look back at a big year for education and value for KSHE members.  Your KSHE board has continued to make big commitments in education across the state.  From free webinars, onsite training, and scholarships to Safe Day One version 3.0, Certified Healthcare Contractor (CHC) training, to the Healthcare Coalition Conference, you can be proud to be part of an organization that continues to work hard for you. This year has also been a big year to expand access to healthcare facility professionals by registering organizations rather than individuals.  This has allowed education to reach an even greater audience. At our upcoming annual planning meeting, we will be discussing how to improve and expand offerings and value to you, our members! In the meantime, here are some certainties for your consideration for 2020:

  1. Lunch and Learn Webinars – 2019 was our inaugural year, I am certain we will continue these webinars focused in 2020.
  2. Free Competency Based Training – This is a first come first serve offering that KSHE provides by bringing industry experts to your facility. You just need to contact a KSHE board member to see if we can match up your desired training with a local expert.
  3. Certified Healthcare Contractor (CHC) Training – We are only as good as our training.  The CHC seeks to prepare those folks doing project management or contracting services in healthcare to work safely and have a deeper awareness of the complexities of working in healthcare. We have held three of these in 2019 across the state.  The December session on December 6 is in Ashland, KY.  We expect to hold at least two in 2020.
  4. Scholarships – Last year we had 10 scholarships for those who wanted to enroll in the Healthcare Facilities Technician(HFT) program at OCTC. No one took us up on it.  I would expect we might do something similar in 2020.  We might even scholarship some CHFT exam seats. We also continued our tradition of providing scholarships to college students.
  5. Conference Scholarships – Each year we make scholarships available for the annual conference.  Be on the lookout for more in 2020.

We also want to make you aware of the ASHE PDC conference scholarship:

2020 Planning, Design, & Construction (PDC) Summit - ASHE offers the Ilse B. Almanza scholarship to ASHE members as well as to students, interns and educators who would like to attend the International Summit & Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design & Construction (PDC Summit) March 22-25 in San Antonio. Scholarship awards of $2,100 will help to offset the cost of registration, air travel, lodging and other travel expenses required to attend the 2020 PDC Summit. Scholarship applicants must fill out the entirety of the application, attach required documentation and submit by Dec. 20 for consideration. ASHE members can apply here. Student, intern and educator applicants can apply here. Here are the two links:

ASHE Member – https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/daae6040b29a490f95f7f739bdba74ff

Student/Instructor - https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/9fe4e0a927554c75bcbfdf77fdcedc38

It is the KSHE board's hope that you not only see the value of being a KSHE member, but that you are proud to be part of KSHE as a member and can share with your organizations leadership the importance, value, and service we are providing the profession, your organization, and the patients we serve!

We look forward to your participation in the many opportunities close to home!

Mike, VP KSHE Education – mike.canales@kctcs.edu
For more information go to www.KSHE.org