Hello Kentucky!

Hello Kentucky!

 Where has the time gone? It seems as if I blinked and we are already more than halfway through the year! School is now out of session, which typically results in a reduction in patient visits. As the patient encounters subside, Clinical Staff have an opportunity to catch their breath and call in those lingering work orders and environmental safety needs. Slower clinical times also allow Facility Staff access to those patient care areas that have recently been occupied.  Summer is a wonderful and busy time.

 For the second month in a row, I have received notification of another achievement for the Kentucky Society for Healthcare Engineering. The American Society of Healthcare Engineers (ASHE) has recognized our KSHE Chapter for its involvement, commitment and performance in the National Energy Star-Energy to Care initiative. Your involvement and performance in energy management has rated Kentucky 3rd among large participants nationally with an overall energy savings of 2.04% across the Commonwealth! I find this so amazing, as Kentucky has only recently begun its involvement in the Energy to Care program.

 Speaking of ASHE, we are closing in on the Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition. This years’ location is Seattle and takes place on the dates of July 15th – 18th. I look forward to attending this worthwhile event, and I hope to see many of you there. Be assured, Kentucky will be represented strong and proud!

 If you have yet to sign-up your facility in Energy to Care (E2C), please do so soon. This initiative is FREE! The E2C program provides you with an energy use tracking and benchmarking tool for your facilities. E2C also provides a stream of energy management education and information to enhance both your knowledge and your ability to reduce your organization’s energy costs. Facility age really does not matter. Sometimes newer facilities need more help than older because of the complexity of the equipment controls. This program is confidential, and again….it’s FREE! Please join your colleagues and reap the benefits.

 To tie in with the Energy to Care initiative, the Kentucky Society for Healthcare Engineers is launching its own “Energy Derby”. This program will allow Kentucky based facilities to compete against each other for Pride and Prizes! Stay tuned: more details to come on this fun and challenging initiative.

 Kentucky Proud,  

Jack Merrill

President KSHE