JED Industry Resources
SP145: New 14.5 GHz RF Analyzer


Master Precision RF Data Acquisition in the Field

Portable real-time spectrum analyzers (RTSAs) deliver high measurement accuracy from tools that can be brought to almost any site for testing. The benefit of an RTSA is that the user essentially has a large amount of RBWs in parallel so the sweep speed is only limited by the real-time bandwidth, the RBW which sets the capture time at each frequency, and the local oscillator switching speed.

Sweep speed is bascially a measurement of how much spectrum you can cover in GHz divided by the time it takes. A fast sweep speed is extremely important for quality spectrum analysis. Consider trying to capture a short signal burst – perhaps a microsecond – it is essential that the real-time bandwidth is greater than the amount of spectrum that you are trying to monitor or the signal would be easily missed. A fast sweep speed ensures that you can cover more spectrum quickly.  

Continue learning about RTSA sweep speeds

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