Thank You to Our New and Returning Members

ISTAT is pleased to announce these new and returning members. (14 April - 25 May)  

Trina Asuncion
Cebu Pacific Air
Macquarie AirFinance
Jim Bell
Bird & Bird LLP
Equus Global Aviation LLC
Mark Cezar
Cebu Pacific Air
Felix Genatio 
ICF International
Lyn KaeGo 
Cebu Air, Inc. (Cebu Pacific Air)
Michael Hackett
Andrew Huang 
Cebu Pacific Air
Jack Hynes
Falko Regional Aircraft
Maha Kiani 
Hudson Structured Capital Management
William Korth 
Longreach Aviation, LLC
Vincent Lavignolle 
ACDC Consulting
Christophe Michaud 
Falko Regional Aircraft
Bonnie Olsen 
Mary O'Neill 
Maples and Calder
Marcus Pyke 
Bird & Bird LLP
Laurent Rouviere
LR Aviation Capital
Christine Somers
Bird & Bird LLP
Anne Romadine Tieng 
Cebu Pacific Air
Takashi Watanabe 
FGL Aircraft Ireland Limited