Explosives Industry News

50th Annual Kentucky Blasting Conference

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The Kentucky Blasting Conference held its 50th training event at the Lexington Convention Center in Lexington, Kentucky, December 7-8, 2023. Attendance continues to increase each year since 2021 with 546 this year and 39 exhibitors. Although this is not a chapter event, the Bluegrass Chapter of ISEE provides volunteers and works with the Kentucky Blasting Conference every year to make the event successful.

A clay shoot was held on Wednesday hosted by the University of Kentucky Student Chapter to raise funds for students to attend ISEE’s Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique. The Bluegrass Chapter hosted a social for chapter members including dinner and drinks at the Horse and Jockey.

Training started on Thursday morning in four breakout sessions including Underground, Construction/Quarries, General and Regulatory. Topics and speakers included: Fragmentation Reduction Through Caprock Management by Bob McClure, R.A McCure, Inc.; Increased Blast Size to Reduce Oversize & Complaints by Neal Lee, Nelson Brothers; Fragmentation Analysis for Better Blasting by Andrew Palangio, Wipware, Inc.; KYDNR Regulatory Update by Marty Brashear, KYDNR; Backbreak: Modeling Techniques to Improve Highwalls, by Elijah Williams, Strayos; Quarry Blasting is BORING! By Brian Sandhaus; Electronic Detonators in Commercial Demolitions: An Update by Ron Gilbert, Dykon Demolition; Machine Control Drill & Blast Technologies: An Overview by Mat Tabor, Quick Supply; Integration of 3D Blast Design & Smart Drills by Spencer Kerdock, Martin Marietta; In Case of Emergency Notifications and Procedures by Paul Downing, Lancer Insurance; ATF&E Regulatory Update by Derek Root and Doris Hasser, KYATF; Underground Blast Design: Misfire Prevention & Safety by Frank Sames, Sames Consulting; Defending the Unusual Blasting Claims by Ralph Burnham and Kerry Ratliff, Reminger Law and G. Boso, Boso Forensics; Blasting Ventilation Shafts, Ore Passes, and Raises by Nathan Rouse, Thoroughbred Drill and Blast Consultants; Blast Site Security by Culhoyne Nickles; Stope Blast Optimization in Underground Mines by Curtis Hoskins, Austin Powder Company; and Optimization Tools in Underground Operations by Jim Winfield, Austin Powder Company.

Friday’s training included a presentation by Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin “Changing Vibration Limits to Strain Based Measurements: A Case Study. Friday also included panel discussions on public relations and regulatory issues.