IPRA Today - 2016 and Beyond! In This Issue
Message from the Executive Director
Professional Development
News about Members
Section/Committee Info
Message from the Executive Director
The recent IPRA board meetings have been focused on strategy planning for 2016-2020. In my last article, I focused on our 2015 accomplishments. Today, let me share with you some of our goals for 2016 and beyond.
The Illinois Park & Recreation Association (IPRA) has selected Rita Fletcher, CPRP, Executive Director of Bartlett Park District as its 2016 Board Chair-Elect.

Rita Fletcher has more than 25 years of experience in the field of parks and recreation and is currently the executive director of the Bartlett Park District. Since taking over as executive director in 2005, the district has received over $1.4 million dollars in grants, is a two-time NRPA gold medal finalist, and successfully passed an $18 million dollar referendum.
At the September 24, 2015 Illinois Park & Recreation Association (IPRA) Board meeting, the board approved the following recommendations from the Governance Committee and Section Election Committees. Professional members, current in their dues, may vote.
Recognize a colleague for going above and beyond!
Is your workplace exceptional? The IPRA Health and Wellness Committee developed the Exceptional Workplace Award to help agencies identify and achieve a high level of health and wellness for their employees and recognize their achievements.
The Agency Showcase Competition is the premier communications and marketing competition for park and recreation agencies. Nominate your best communication and marketing materials for judging and display at the Soaring To New Heights Conference.
Join more than 2,500 other park and recreation professionals and become a member today!
Professional Development
This lively session will cover conflict resolution from the two sides of the spectrum we usually face in the work place: between co-workers and with customers. Participants will be given useful tools that can be immediately put into practice that will help facilitate the start of difficult conversations, remove the emotion from conflict, and diffuse potentially volatile situations with co-workers and customers, so that the most important aspect of the encounter - the relationship - is kept intact.
Gain essential skills for understanding, relating and working productively with all types of people...even the most resistant. Strong team dynamics, cooperation, collaboration and people skills are the foundation of today's most innovative, profitable and successful organizations.
Do the children in your school respond to "no or don't" commands? Let's discuss how you can change those negative statements to positive and get children to follow directions while building their self-esteem. We'll also discuss the causes of misbehaviors, creating a plan of action for aggressive children and how to involve parents.
Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
News about Members
Friends and colleagues remember Bob Toalson as a hard-working, soft-spoken man who loved his community and went above and beyond to make Champaign's parks what they are today.
The field of parks and recreation is huge, and it is nationwide. There is a place for you-one that will utilize your individual talents and appreciate your passion. Go find it!
Section/Committee Info
Make the most of your IPRA membership - check out these upcoming Section & Committee meetings!

Athletic Committee Meeting - 10/6/15
Early Childhood Committee Meeting - 10/9/15
Therapeutic Recreation Section's PSC Inclusion Committee - 10/15/15
Communications & Marketing Section Meeting & Workshop - 10/15/15
Therapeutic Recreation Section Meeting and Workshop: Stevie Speaks, An Inspiring and Motivational Speaker - 11/5/15
Early Childhood Trends Workshop - 11/7/15
536 East Avenue, LaGrange, IL 60525 | Phone: 708-588-2280 | Fax: 708-354-0535



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