IPRA Today - Join Us for State-Wide Strategic Plan Informational Events! Past Issues | Printer-Friendly | Forward to a colleague | Editorial link | www.ilipra.org
The IPRA Skills Development Webinar Series is an 11-month series of webinars on a variety of timely topics. Park and recreation agencies pay a one-time registration fee, giving their staff access to each month's webinar topic and 0.1 CEUs!
Certification is important to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the basic competencies needed to be successful in the park and recreation profession. In addition, maintaining the certification shows you have a willingness to continue to learn and grow throughout your career. This workshop consists of four sections and will prepare you to become a Certified Park and Recreation Professional.
Allies, not Adversaries: Building Positive Partnerships with Parents. Parents can be seen at times as obstacles to teachers' ability to help children meet goals in the program. This workshop presents strategies that create positive partnerships between parents and teachers/program leaders that lead to increased success for children. Recognizing the importance of winning parents' trust and establishing good communication patterns starting at intake are key to this process.
IPRA Strategic Plan Informational Meeting (Central) - 3/13/14
Scoville Zoo - Decatur Park District
1:00PM - 3:00PM

IPRA Strategic Plan Informational Meeting (Northwest) - 3/13/14
Geneseo Park District - Community Center
1:00PM - 3:00PM

IPRA Strategic Plan Informational Meeting (Metro) - 3/20/14
Bartlett Community Center
2:00PM - 4:00PM

IPRA Strategic Plan Informational Meeting (South) - 4/4/14
Mount Vernon Park District
9:00AM - 3:00PM
You are invited to submit session suggestions for the 2015 IAPD/IPRA Soaring to New Heights Conference. Please be specific in describing your suggestion and speaker information.
Here are some of our latest job posts - to view the complete listing, click here!
  • Sports & Athletics Manager, The Salvation Army
  • Recreation Coordinator, The Community House
  • Evening Center Supervisor, St. Charles Park District
  • Preserve Maintenance Worker, Forest Preserve District of Kane County
Have a job to post? It's easy and affordable with IPRA - click here!
Administration & Finance Section Meeting & Discussion - 3/5/14
Bolingbrook Park District
10:00AM - 1:00PM

Therapeutic Recreation Section Breakfast & Workshop - 3/6/14
Bolingbrook Park District - Ashbury's at Boughton Ridge
9:00AM - 11:30AM

Wintrust Financial
536 East Avenue, LaGrange, IL 60525 | Phone: 708-588-2280 | Fax : 708-354-0535

We would appreciate your comments or suggestions. Your email will be kept private and confidential.