Start With Why

We all know what we do, some of us know how we do it, but very few can clearly articulate why we do what we do.  Simon Sinek, leadership expert and author of the book "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action," breaks down this concept in great detail. He notes that the most successful organizations and people think inside out. Start with Why, then How, and then What.

If we don’t start with Why, our industry’s incredibly powerful message and story is often lost because we focus too much time, energy, and effort on what we do.  We get caught up in the speed of light lifestyle texting, e-mailing, juggling task to task, in a manic frenzy only to leave work exhausted with little sense of real accomplishment.  We are overwhelmed, stressed out, burned out, and frustrated.

We need to change how we do business.  We need to start with Why! 

Let me share a story related to how changing our thinking from what we do to why we do it can lead to an extremely powerful message.

Every January we mail W-2 forms to our employees.  That is what we do.

Most organizations send them through the United States Postal Service.  That is how we do it.

Why?  Because it is required by law. But, wait. Perhaps there is a story that is worth telling that reinforces why our industry is so vital and unique compared to any other industry? Consider the following:

In 2014 the Northbrook Park District issued 769 W-2’s.  So what!?

 56% (429) of those W-2’s went to teens and young adult’s ages 16 – 25 totaling just over 1.2 million dollars in gross wages.

So, why is this important?  Please read the following testimonials.

Dear Eileen,
I just wanted to drop you a quick hello and thank you.  Today, I accepted my first full time job offer.  I found that besides the internships that I have had and the classes I have taken, the place where I learned the most was at the Park District.  Working at the pool taught me necessary, crucial life skills that I wouldn’t have been able to learn anywhere else.  I learned team-building skills, customer service skills, and leadership skills.  I learned how to be a teacher, a leader, and friend, and a co-worker.
Assistant Pool Manager

Hi Rick,

Thank you so much for such a nice email!  I can't even begin to list the amazing things this park district has done for me over the last 3 decades.  From providing me with a place to grow and develop since the age of 3, to being my first job as a staff instructor and eventually my first full-time job, Northbrook will always remain in my heart.  The countless memorable experiences I have had through being a participant in programs and an integral member of the Leisure Services division really are what builds the story of my life.  I often wonder how my life would had been different if my older brothers had never started their Basic skating classes here well before I took to the ice, but I have to think that it wouldn't have been as significant as the milestones I crossed while being in the Sports Center facility. 

You can only imagine how difficult this decision was for me.  Luckily, when I come home to visit, I know I can always walk back into the doors of the park district and be excited to connect with old friends, families and co-workers.  I will certainly stay in touch from afar as my passion for figure skating was established right here in Northbrook.  I may have never been a resident, but I'm not afraid to say that Northbrook will always be my home.  Thank you for everything you have done over the years to provide me with the support and confidence I will need to pursue future endeavors.    

I will certainly miss Northbrook and everything it has to offer!  Thank you for providing a great "home"!


So Why is this so important?

1.    W-2 data has validated that we are the largest employer of teens and young adults.
2.    1.2 Million Dollars in gross wages is an investment in our future not a burden on tax payers.
3.    Teens spend a significant portion of their money locally enhancing the local economy.
4.    Working for a park district teaches invaluable life skills no matter what industry you choose to pursue.

Imagine if we told this story on a statewide or national basis.  Does it change your perspective?  Start with Why.

Rick Hanetho
Executive Director, Northbrook Park District