
"Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive." Wikipedia

According to Psychology Today:  "Studies show that we can deliberately cultivate gratitude and can increase our well-being and happiness. In addition, grateful thinking – and especially expression of it to others – is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism and empathy."

In this month of Thanksgiving it is fitting to reflect on the things for which we are thankful.  In our field we have talked about the benefits of a quality parks and recreation program, but when is the last time you talked about what you are grateful for?  This past weekend I did just that.  After all, even when things are not as good as we’d like, isn’t it amazing to think that expressing gratitude could make things better?

Your challenge is to come up with ten things.  Here’s my list:

I am grateful that...

1.    I was born to blue-collar parents who never stopped reaching to make things better for our family.  .  They taught me the importance of having a good work ethic, the necessity to do something I love and to always do it well. 
2.    My childhood life was split between a big city (Rockford) and a small town (Whitewater, WI).  It helped me to realize that there is value in both. 
3.    I was raised in the Rockford Park District and learned early on the importance of recreation, parks and the wise use of my leisure time (in spite of the fact that I didn’t get a trophy for participating).
4.    I receive unconditional love and support from my husband and kids.  
5.    I attended University of Wisconsin – La Crosse....a great recreation curriculum and a beautiful city with incredible opportunities for outdoor recreation.
6.    I was raised with a strong faith.  It helps me to realize that there is something bigger than all of us out there.  This allows me to gain perspective and feel support when I face challenges.
7.    Even after getting offered an internship with the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association, I chose to accept the internship with IPRA.  The rest is history!
8.    I am surrounded by people in this field that I trust, respect and admire.
9.    I work in a community that supports parks and recreation and is willing to fund its growth.
10.    I have had the opportunity to serve as IPRA Chair this year.  I don’t take this responsibility lightly and I am walking away in January with an experience I will never forget!

On behalf of the IPRA Board, I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  Our association is certainly grateful to have so many dedicated volunteers, supporters, and passionate professionals within our membership. 

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."  Melody Beattie

Jan Peterson Hincapie, CPRP
Director of Parks and Recreation
Village of Lincolnwood