Catch the Trade Winds in Your Sails

Over the past three years, IPRA has focused a lot of energy on making radical changes that will bring more value in return for your membership dollars. In 2010, Chairman Carrie Fullerton established a Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) to develop a strategic plan to guide the association over the course of three years (2010-2013).

Good enough just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

More than ever, IPRA needed to be remarkable—remarkably innovative, remarkably driven and remarkably authentic. Radical change was required and radical change is what we received. 

The implementation of the three-year strategic plan started in 2011 under the direction of Chairman LoriKay Paden. The Membership Council was formed in an effort to make the organization more cohesive and streamline efforts across all sections. The IPRA Foundation was revived, and members created a Pay it Forward Campaign. A new logo and tagline rebranded the identity of IPRA.

Last year, Chairman John Curran took the bull by the horns and completed the second year of the three-year strategic plan with a heavy focus on education. Leaps and bounds were made by providing the first members-only Education Institute and Leadership Academy. Last October, we began the first Leadership Academy, an intensive six-month program created by Rick Hanetho, Jan Arnold and a dedicated committee of professionals. The program was designed to build great leaders for the future and strengthen the parks and recreation profession. The first graduating class will walk the stage on Friday, April 12. IPRA will accept applications for the 2013-2014 year from April 12 through Monday, June 3. 

Fast forward to today as IPRA is rounding out the third year of the current master plan while simultaneously developing a new three-year road map. IPRA is moving forward addressing the needs of the membership and working to build a stronger, more relevant member-centric organization.

Be sure to take full advantage of the 2nd Annual Education Institute, "Leadership in Changing Times," on Friday, April 26, featuring award-winning philanthropist Ian Hill. IPRA pays more than 50 percent of the per-person cost for the Education Institute, so this is a way for IPRA to give back to our members. Thanks to advances in technology, IPRA will be streaming live video feeds of Ian’s presentation in Champaign, Huntley and Edwardsville. 

Speaking of the future, IPRA is putting together a statewide tour of Illinois with our strategic planning consultant, Dr. Ann Atkinson, for the week of April 8. The strategic planning focus groups will begin in southern Illinois and work their way through central and northwestern Illinois. We have seven focus groups planned: southern Illinois, central Illinois, northwest Illinois, two in the Chicago Metro area, one for all section boards and one for young professionals. Debbie Trueblood, Dr. Atkinson and I will also be meeting with local IPRA leaders and board members in each area. 

Thank you to all the members who contribute their time, talent and energy in rebuilding IPRA. Remember, this is your organization. The more you invest in it, the greater the value you will reap from it. Take full advantage of what IPRA has to offer so you can put your best foot forward as you "Learn. Connect. Inspire." 

– Allison Niemela, CPRP