We Have Accomplished So Much in a Short Time

Here is an update on just a few things that are on the horizon: Next month, IPRA will be relocating to the Park District of LaGrange. This new, more permanent location, will give us the opportunity to continue to improve our member’s services and also have the ability to host meetings, workshop and trainings. Make sure you plan a visit later this fall!

Not only will we have a new home, we will be unveiling a new look, new logo and new website this January. The Communication Committee has dedicated many hours of time and expertise to assure we are equipped with a website that will provide you with resources, connections and educational opportunities to enhance your professional development while visually showing our professionalism and value to the field.

A main priority of rejuvenating IPRA's professional development still remains. If you have been keeping up on our communications, you are aware of the diverse, educated and driven committee that has been assembled to revamp, redevelop and enhance our educational offerings. You will see noticeable changes with your conference offerings and be pleasantly surprised with incredible opportunities that will continue to emerge as the year progresses.

Finally, in regards to streamlining and running IPRA as efficiently as possible, the board has voted to create a Membership Council. To transition our current Board, Section Representatives will be working with an outside facilitator to identify how we can improve efficiencies, create goals and an action plan to effectively operate the Council within IPRA. With the creation of this Council, a new At-Large Board position has been created. We are accepting applications now for a November election.

As you can see, staff, board members and a countless number of volunteers are working hard for you! There is still much to be done and we are pushing forward. Thank you for your support, service and input. As always I would love to hear from you, lkpaden@illinois.edu.

Wishing you a great fall,

LoriKay Paden
Academic Advisor, Recreation Sport Tourism, University of Illinois