2011 IPRA State Lifeguard Games

Date: August 6, 2011 - 4p.m.
Location: St. Charles Park District, Swanson Pool, Pottawatomie Park, 8 North Ave, St. Charles
Contact: Kristi Brewer, 630-513-4334

Click here to register!

Click here to download printable form!

The IPRA Lifeguard Games is a competition for park and recreation agency lifeguards and junior lifeguards. Teams offour (2 male and 2 female or 1 male and 3 female) will compete in a series of events to test their lifeguard skills, strength, speed, endurance and their ability to work as a team. This is a friendly competition that encourages each guard to rise to challenges, practice their craft, learn from other guards and have fun.

In addition to the contestants, each team should also provide a volunteer judge/timer along with victim to assist with the running of the event. Teams with less than four lifeguards will require guards to compete twice in the same relay events. Otherwise, smaller teams will not receive any special consideration in entering events. To represent a park and recreation agency, an individual must have worked for that agency as a lifeguard for at least 40 hours between May 28 and July 29, 2011.

Fees: Early Bird Fee of $70 per team if you register before July 22,2011. From July 22 to July 29 the cost is $85 per team. It is the same fee for lifeguard teams and junior lifeguard teams. All checks should be made payable to the Illinois Park & Recreation Association. Check, credit cards or purchase orders will be accepted.