No looking back – Just moving forward!

I am thankful for the many work groups diligently working to set the ground work for our successes.  Recently all of the section directors, board representatives and director elects met to discuss the future formation of the council of sections. The positive interactions and excitement of the group proves that we are ready to move forward on streamlining of the association – exciting details coming soon.

Our education team led by Rick Hanetho met to begin crafting the future of IPRA’s premiere education plan. While Allison Niemela  and her team met to begin to rebuild and recreate our communication system.  By late fall you will begin to see significant changes the way IPRA looks and communicates with you.

This month we have exciting things happening. The legislative conference in Springfield, several Committee/Task Force meetings and a special meeting scheduled for the Foundation on May 17th.  If you have had involvement in the Foundation in the past or would like to be a part of a newly revived Foundation Committee please contact me.  I am excited to breathe new life into this Foundation, but we need individuals with fundraising experience and the desire to help us!

Looking forward is exciting but the actual successes are what we will celebrate in the future.  We still need your support and involvement.  Contact me for any details on our plans and to get involved! 

Please consider volunteering for the BMW Championship or the State Fair!

LoriKay Paden
Academic Advisor - Recreation Sport Tourism, University of Illinois