Parks & Recreation - A Career for Life

"If you’re considering the parks and recreation field, jump on it.  It’s unbelievable.  Every day, you’re doing something different.  You’re making an impact and you’re truly making a difference."

The IPRA College and University Relations Committee has launched a campaign to recruit young people into the field of parks & recreation. Acknowledging that this is often a "discovery" career - many high school and college aged students often do not realize that it is a planned course of study - the CURC partnered with Greg Bizarro of Jaffe Films to produce an informational CD that can be shown to agency staff (lifeguards, day camp counselors, etc.).

If you're interested in receiving a copy, please contact Heather Weishaar.

The video is also available online.  Be sure to check out the "Day in the Life" videos!

Audience: High school/college age

Purpose: To promote careers that are park and recreation specific, as well as careers in parks and recreation that involve other disciplines. Educate young adults about the viability of parks and recreation as a career path. Provide accurate and compelling information about parks and recreation as a career and direct them to additional resources.