"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey

I don’t think that it is too late, or is it?  Is there a statute of limitations on setting resolutions?  I just spent the past 20 minutes searching for anything within state or federal law preventing me from doing New Year’s resolutions a couple of days late.  Since I could not find anything and it does not appear to be a crime to not set resolutions, I am going to set mine today.  If you have not set any, allow yourself a day or two to think about yours as well.


Where should I start in regards to resolutions?  I realized during the past year that I have picked up a few pounds that other people have lost.  Usually I would say finders keepers if I find something, but I would rather say goodbye to these extra pounds.  In addition, there have been some friends that I have not spent as much time with as I would like to. 


As a result, one of my resolutions will be to spend more time with my friends doing fun things that are physically active.  I think I already told one friend I would run in a 5K race with him in June.  I guess that means I am already on my way.  I also remember telling somebody I was interested in running a marathon with them this year as well.  Wow, I guess I will have to do a lot of running to get myself prepared for these two races.


Professionally, there are a number of things I always strive to accomplish.  Most importantly, my resolution this year will be to demonstrate my thankfulness for the wonderful opportunity to work with dedicated great people at IPRA and an amazing membership.  I am not sure I have always taken enough time to show my appreciation for everybody and the amazing efforts they make at their agencies and in their communities.  I cannot delay on this one, so thank you IPRA team members and thank you IPRA members!  You are fantastic to work with on our mission to improve the quality of life for the people we serve!


I wish each of you the best of luck in setting and reaching your resolutions.  May this year bring great opportunities to reach your personal and professional goals. 


-Mike Selep, IPRA Interim CEO