Election Information - Nomination Deadline July 26

We are pleased to tell you that we continue to make tremendous strides in the rebuilding of our great association. It is an exciting time and will continue to be as we venture toward a new strategic plan for the upcoming year and beyond. 

It is the time of year to start thinking about elections. This is your opportunity to become involved in a continued transformation by being a part of the IPRA Board of Directors. We have several representative positions open, each with three-year terms - Communications & Marketing, Ethnic Minority, Facility Management and Recreation sections, and the Central and Northern districts. We must have at least two people running for each seat from each section or district. Don't just sit back and watch, we want you to get involved. 

Deadline for candidate nominations are Monday, July 26. Click here for information regarding the responsibilities and commitment involved in being a member of the IPRA Board of Directors, as well as the election process. If you have any questions, please contact LoriKay Paden, chair of the IPRA Nominations and Elections Committee.