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IPRA Today - Section Award Nominations Due August 30! Editorial link |

My Story...

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The interaction with peers who would become lifelong friends opened doors, connected me with influential professionals from around the state and nation, and cultivated the inner call to help the next generation of professionals. It is best understood in the sculpture and words titled Ascent

Grab hold,
And take this hand that
Reaches out to you.

Look up
Into my eyes;
My spirit
Cries out to you:
Friendship is my thought.

Let us climb
The jagged cliffs of life
And fight the ascent of
Opposition together.

If I can lift you today,
You will look back
And grab the hands of a thousand more.

Two Native American Indians are struggling on the face of a jagged cliff. The one above reaches out and extends himself, grasping for the one below. The one below looks up and also reaches out to receive the hand of safety and strength. Climbing the mountain of life we learn, grow and, hopefully, increase in wisdom. As we continue the trek, we realize it is not just about ourselves. It is then that we pause, turn around, and reach out our hand in assistance to those who can benefit from out travels.
My story is about one not-so-intellectually smart, but extraordinarily determined person who was unwillingly enlisted into the IPRA involvement by his supervisor, made the most of those situations and connections to parlay it into a 35-year career of achievement, recognition and lifelong friendships. 

Through networking, volunteerism, social and continuing education opportunities provided by IPRA, NRPA and SSPRPA, my circle of professional contacts grew, as did their awareness of my work and my achievements. Those professionals, too many to name, aided my development and became my most valued resources and close personal friends.

I could the name names of my peers and mentors – John Curran, John Wilson, Chuck Szoke, Pam Kos, Tim Schraeder, Keith Frankland, Robin Hall, Jack Claes, Fred Hall, Mike Rylko, Jan Mersman, Ron Lorenzo, Jeff Boubelik, Patti Roth, Tom Richardson, Kay Forest  – but then I know I’d miss more than a few who had a profound impact on my career.

At age33 I was hired to my first directorship by the Burbank Park District. On the outside I was cool, collected and in control. On the inside I knew there was much I didn’t know. It was the kinship developed with professionals of all titles and organizational levels that sustained me.

Despite the aura that I know everything, I know less than I think I do. But through professional associations, volunteerism and networking I have connected with individuals with whom I can brainstorm the next avant-garde idea or who can aid in solving my current dilemma.  An ingredient of success is surrounding oneself with passionate and compassionate, unselfishly giving people.

In 1995, I awarded one of IPRA’s top honors at the Illinois Park and Recreation Annual Conference Awards luncheon. Many remember my first words, "I gotta pee." Not many remember the words that followed, "Who I am today is a collection of all of the encounters and all of the experiences I’ve ever had. That means a part of this award belongs to each of you."

Wherever you are in your career climb, you didn’t get there alone. Pay It Forward. Remember: If I can lift you today, you will look back and grab the hands of a thousand more.

-Ray Ochromowicz

Wintrust Financial
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