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IPRA Completes Three-Year Plan Six Months Early

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This is a short review of some of the items we have completed in the past year alone (the last year of the three-year plan):

Under our first initiative, "Focus resources on delivering benefits to members:"
•    We have developed a plan to eliminate duplicative education with other associations (e.g. IAPD, PDRMA).  We drafted a policy on duplicative education which the board approved last week.
•    We have created and implemented a policy that outlines standards for conducting membership survey every three years to solicit ongoing member input.  We opted to include all varieties of membership surveys in the policy including members needs assessments, membership satisfaction surveys, education and conference evaluations, and non-renewing exit surveys.  We drafted a policy on member surveys, which the board approved last week.  Under the new policy, the large in-depth surveys will be done every three years, including focus groups, and will be done in conjunction with the development of the new strategic plan.  Since we just completed 14 focus groups in April with our current strategic plan, our next big in-depth survey will be done in three years.  

Under our second initiative, "Strengthen financial controls:"
•    We established goals for and created a plan for capital replacement and improvement over the next several years.  Towards this end, an ad hoc group was formed of Nancy McCaul, Jan Hincapie, Barry Franks, and myself.  We researched existing park district examples and researched other associations.  The board approved a plan for capital replacement and improvement to streamline the budget process.  
•    Related to that, we also established procedures for evaluating projects for consideration under capital replacement and improvement fund, including technology.  This was wrapped into the plan above.    
Under our third initiative, "Streamline the organization:"
•    The Membership Council recommended structures, standards, and operations for all Section programs, education, income, and expenses.  Towards this end, the Membership Council and the Board approved new section guidelines creating more standardization of elections.  The Joint Sections Luncheon created more standardization of section awards.  Financial policies have standard requirements for section income and expenses    .
•    We worked with committee chairs and section chairs to draft a description, goals, and objectives of their sections and committees to ensure they are aligned with IPRA’s mission.  These were submitted to the board in June.

Under our fourth initiative, "Re-energize membership through proactive communications:"
•    The board, sections, and committees identified ways to communicate with each other (e.g. distribute committee reports to all other committees).  Towards that end, the Membership Council began sending section reports for the board packet.  We held a section leader orientation meeting, as a new program.  All committee rosters were entered into our member database to better track volunteer engagement. The Membership Council began working to standardize section agendas.  We began working with sections to post agendas and minutes on the website for everyone to see from all sections.
•    We created and implemented an IPRA Marketing Plan.    Towards this end, each educational event we host is marketed at least four different ways.
•    We communicated the benefits of the Membership Council to the membership.     Towards this end, communication began in 2011 with the formation of the MC.  Since then, communication has occurred in newsletters, the Joint Awards Luncheon, section meetings, etc.

Under our fifth initiative, "Develop dynamic professionals and future leaders:"    
•    We created and assembled an education/professional development team to evaluate current and develop new professional development offerings.  This was completed through the Education Committee and the Professional Services Committee.
•    We aligned with current and potential new strategic partners to create new educational offerings.  Towards this end, IPRA is engaged with Illinois Afterschool Network to do some joint education in 2013 in the Rockford area and SIPRA to do joint education in Southern Illinois.  Additionally, the revised Affiliate Agreement sets the stage for continued joint education which several groups are currently reviewing.
•    We created self-directed learning opportunities utilizing webinar and other web-based technologies.  Towards this end, all webinars in 2012 and 2013 are recorded and placed on website 90 days later for member access.
•    We created entry/supervisory-level, mid-level, and senior- level leadership development programs.  This was primarily done in the previous year with the creation of the Leadership Academy.  We have worked with the Education Committee and the Professional Services Committee to ensure that the program, in its second year, continues to evolve and develop.

Under our sixth initiative, "Expand membership, Expect involvement:"        
•    We developed communication strategies to invite/expect young professionals to be active.  Towards this end, we found that in September 2012, estimated 27% of attendees at Supervisor Symposium were college students.  In October 2012, Level 1 of Leadership Academy was geared towards early career professionals.  In November 2012, many first-year attendees at Professional Development School were Young Professionals.  In January 2013 we began discussion (now approved) with the Joint Conference Committee and IAPD to allow agencies to sponsor a seat for students at the Awards Luncheon at conference.  In January, of the 900 survey respondents at conference, 75% were early or mid-level career people based on job title.  In January, Professional Connection had 70 students and 27 professionals.  In March, I joined P&R majors in a professional development session at U of St Francis. In April I met with U of I’s new Department Head over Recreation, Sport, and Tourism, Dr. Lawrence Chalip.  In April, I spoke briefly with students and faculty from the SIU-E program at a SIPRA meeting.  In April, we held a Young Professionals focus group as part of strategic planning.  This was the highest attendance of 14 focus groups.  In April, we estimate about 60 of the 144 attendees were early career professionals at the Education Institute.  I had multiple meetings throughout the year with Robin Hall and Jarrod Scheunemann regarding ways to work together better with U of I and connect to students.  In May, 160 attended Park Pursuit, based on survey responses, 81% were under age 44.  In June, staff began discussion of ways to encourage schools to send many students to Supervisor Symposium in fall of 2013.  Finally, last week, the board approved a proposal for two upcoming networking events, one of which will be geared towards young professionals.
•    We developed and brought back orientation sessions quarterly to potential and new members via webinar to show benefits of membership and ways to become involved in the association.  Our most recent webinar was last week.  The next two are September 27 and December 13.
•    We developed strategy for recognition of young professionals for involvement in the association.  This was part of the section standardization.  All sections now have "Rising Star" award.  Plus, IPRA has a "Young Professional" award.    
•    We will deliver a conference session on the value of IPRA membership and involvement (e.g. Town Hall Meeting).  Additionally, we have the quarterly new member webinars and we are having a member Open House on July 26 from 7:30-9:00 AM at the IPRA office.  Registration is available through the website.
•    We worked with the College and Universities Relations Committee to identify graduates from Illinois college and university programs and send letters to graduates welcoming them to the field.  We provided letters, and U of I, University of St Francis, and ISU all sent the letter to their graduates on our behalf.  The CURC approved the letters which included a link to the membership application.
•    We evaluated and enhanced the professional mentor program.  Towards that end, I brainstormed ideas with IPRA Chair, Allison Niemela in April.  We held several staff meetings focused on formulating a plan.  I contacted other association executives to seek additional best practices.  Finally, putting it all together with experiences I have had with other mentorship programs, we drafted a proposal for an in-depth, ongoing mentorship program which the board approved last week.  More information will be coming soon!

My thanks to all the volunteers in sections, committees, the IPRA board and the staff team who worked together to accomplish this exciting goal!  We look forward to putting together our new three-year strategic plan and getting started on implementation.

-Debbie Trueblood, CAE
Executive Director

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