Public Power Daily
IPRA Today, October 7 2010 Editorial link |

Change...It Does an Association Good

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Change can be positive in the way it can prompt us to refocus and examine what our priorities are and how we want to be defined. This is a time to be sure our services are relevant and meeting the needs of our members.

In my humble opinion, life really isn’t about what challenges you face, but rather how you choose to face them.  With the guidance of the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, the IPRA board has faced challenges head-on with thoughtful strategies and priorities outlined in our strategic plan – keeping you, our members, at the center of what we do each day.

The process of strategic plan implementation continues to move forward.  Our staff is actively working with committee leaders Chuck Balling and Charlie Williams to set the agenda to put the plan in motion.  Watch for updates as we continue to move forward.  We expect the plan to be in full implementation mode by early 2011.

IPRA Executive Director Search:
The search process continues for our permanent executive director.  The position is listed on various websites, including IPRA, NRPA and several association-related sites. If you or anyone you know might be interested in the position, click here for more information.

Future Leadership of the Association:
An election for open seats on the IPRA Board of Directors is once again upon us.  It has been a challenging road to recovery for our association leadership, and, in order for IPRA to continue to grow and prosper, it needs continued strong leadership.  While it is human nature to vote for those you know or consider friends - I encourage members to vote for those they believe will provide the strongest leadership to our association.  The future really is in your hands as you cast your votes.

-Carrie A. Haupert, CPRP, Executive Director, Bloomingdale Park District

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