Contest for Alumni, Teach in Panama, and More!
Georgetown University, Center for Intercultural Education and Development International Baccalaureate

IIE enthusiastically commends the District of Columbia Public Schools’ Global Ed Program, which recently unveiled fully-funded study abroad trips for 8th and 11th grade students. More than 400 educators and students enrolled in a world language course will participate in short-term language immersion, global leadership, or service learning trips starting in June. Global Ed will also sponsor middle and high school teachers to become Travel Ambassadors to lead trips and prepare students for them.


Submission deadline: January 31, 2016 at 12:00 PM EST | Eligibility and submission guidelines

Are you currently participating in an IIE administered program, or are you an alumni of an IIE program? Tell us your IIE Impact Story! We are seeking stories that show how IIE-managed programs and international exchange experiences change lives, careers, and communities around the world for the better.

This is an opportunity for you to:
  • Share the importance of your work and program experience
  • Inspire others to participate in international exchange
  • Gain artistic recognition
  • Win prizes! First prize is $500; second is $250; 3rd is $125
Submissions must be from a current IIE grantee or alumnus of an IIE administered program who completed the program in good standing. Any submission from a person who is not currently participating in an IIE administered program or an alumnae of such a program will be disqualified. Winning entries may be used in IIE-related communications such as Annual Report, marketing materials, websites, and videos.


Application deadline: February 1, 2016 | Apply online

Through Partners of the Americas' Panama Teacher Match, qualified U.S. teachers will travel to Panama for 6 weeks in the summer of 2016 to work alongside English teachers in Panamanian public schools assisting in classroom instruction and curriculum development. We are thrilled to announce that recruitment has begun for this incredible professional development opportunity for American ESL and EFL teachers. 


Application deadline: February 25, 2016 | Apply online

The Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund provides financial assistance to an individual to attend global biocultural events/exchanges or meetings of international significance which impacts the applicant’s home territory or region. The focus of the fund examines biocultural issues—the rich but neglected adaptive interweave of people and place, culture and ecology. This fund supports indigenous peoples and local communities to have a voice in the policies and forums that concern biocultural diversity at a global level.

Applications are currently being accepted for events/exchanges falling between April 1, 2016 through August 15, 2016. Click here to view the program flier.


New professional development from the International Baccalaureate (IB) lets you explore international education and the IB pedagogy during any of six three-week online workshops. This special series of workshops are for teachers working in any school, in any context. Their focus is on teaching and learning from an international perspective for teachers who wish to pursue a career in international education. The workshops also provide an excellent jumping-off point for teaching in an IB environment. Registration can be completed online. Registration deadlines are three weeks before each workshop’s start date.

IB workshop topics include:
  • Developing independent and collaborative learners | Starting dates: March 23, 2016, August 17, 2016
  • Holistic teaching and learning | Starting dates: March 23, 2016, August 17, 2016
  • Planning, teaching and assessing | Starting dates: March 23, 2016, August 17, 2016 
  • Promoting active student learning | Starting dates: May 11, 2016, October 5, 2016
  • Teaching and learning with meaningful content | Starting dates: May 11, 2016, October 5, 2016
  • Teaching for intercultural understanding | Starting dates: May 11, 2016, October 5, 2016


These opportunities are not sponsored by the Institute of International Education (IIE). 

NCTAF and Alliance for Excellent Education webinar from 2:00-3:00 PM EST

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The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) and the Program for Teaching East Asia (TEA) at the University of Colorado at Boulder and announce registration opening for two 2016 Summer Institutes.

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