Special Edition: Generation Study Abroad Teacher Campaign!
AFS Intercultural Programs
We are pleased to announce that the Institute of International Education (IIE) is officially launching the Generation Study Abroad Teacher Campaign today. The campaign seeks 1,000 teachers across the United States to take part in this five-year initiative that brings leaders in education, business and governments together to double the number of U.S. college students studying abroad. 
Take the Pledge and Help Spread the Word
If you are a teacher, we invite you to take the pledge now, and to share this information with your colleagues, administrators and district. We also encourage all teachers, administrators and policymakers to help spread the word to educators in your network by posting and sharing the announcement below in relevant newsletters, listservs, and websites, and through social media. We welcome educational associations and organizations to join IIE’s Generation Study Abroad initiative as an institutional partner, as well. For more information, visit IIE's Generation Study Abroad website.

We encourage you to read the press release, IIE Calls On Teachers To Take Action To Inspire Students To Study Abroad, to see how the Teachers Campaign works, and share it with your school district communications office and local news outlets. You can also share the Teachers Campaign call to action on social media using the hashtag #generationstudyabroad, and follow @IIEGlobal to see the call to action on Twitter and Facebook.

IIE’s Generation Study Abroad: A Call to Action for Teachers
IIE’s Generation Study Abroad asks teachers to Take the Pledge to prepare their students to be global citizens, and specifically to encourage them to go to college expecting to have an international experience and build their international skills. Currently, fewer than 10% of college students in the United States study abroad before they graduate. 
Why a Generation Study Abroad Teacher Campaign? 
Teachers are powerful motivators when it comes to encouraging students to pursue any and all types of global study, from classroom projects in elementary school to study abroad programs in college. They are uniquely positioned to inspire curiosity about the world by teaching all subjects through a global lens, as well as advocating for global enrichment activities, language learning, and exchange programs. The campaign asks teachers not only to teach about the world, but also to help their students envision actually going out of the classroom and out of the United States to get the international experience they will need to succeed in today’s world.
Recognizing the key role that K-12 teachers play in bringing the world into their classrooms, IIE has teamed up with globally-minded organizations – in particular the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Asia Society, and National Geographic -- to connect teachers with resources to help inspire their students to have an immersive experience in another culture.
By joining IIE Generation Study Abroad, teachers gain access to news and networking opportunities designed to build the global educator community as well as opportunities for professional development grants and resources to enhance instruction and promote study abroad. 
Prior to the official launch on February 5th, nearly 150 teachers have already signed the pledge; you can see teacher success stories on the IIE Generation Study Abroad website to see some of the actions they are taking.
Here is a selection of a few of the useful links and resources available related to this campaign:
IIE will list all teachers who pledged by name and state on the Generation Study Abroad website.

Funding for Students and Educators
IIE is seeking partners from every sector to provide funding for students and educators. Several in particular have direct impact on the K-12 community; details on these and other new commitments will be announced in the coming year. The AIFS Foundation will provide Generation Study Abroad Enrichment Grants to fund professional development for teachers with the goal of raising global awareness in the classrooms and preparing students for global citizenship and study abroad. CIEE will provide scholarship grants to select schools that have shown a commitment to expanding global education and promoting exchange opportunities with CIEE.
Serving the K-12 community
Additional commitment partners offering programs and activities for K-12 students and educators include: AFS Intercultural Programs USA; CALE Now!; Global Citizen Year; Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO); Global Glimpse; Global Nomads; Greenheart Travel; OneWorld Now!; STA Travel; and World Smart.

Generation Study AbroadTM is a five-year initiative of the Institute of International Education to double the number of U.S. college students studying abroad by the end of the decade. Our aim is to encourage meaningful, innovative action to drive up the number of U.S. students who have the opportunity to gain international experience through academic study abroad programs, internships, service learning and non-credit educational experiences. IIE has built the Generation Study Abroad coalition to raise awareness of the need for students to gain language and cultural skills, identify and break down barriers, share innovative strategies, and mobilize additional financial resources. In the first year, nearly 500 partners from academia, and the public and private sectors from the U.S. and abroad joined IIE’s Generation Study Abroad initiative. These partners have pledged specific, actionable goals and tangible financial commitments that will contribute significantly to reach our ambitious goal. The teacher campaign is the next phase, recognizing the key role that teachers play in bringing the world into their classrooms and inspiring their students.
www.iie.org/iienetwork • Member website of the Institute of International Education
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